A wide variety of activities are available for you. They are designed to meet your individual interests through a specially developed program, which maintains physical well being, stimulates mental alertness, and promotes socialization and spirituality.
Our focus is your health and happiness. With this in mind, our Activities Director and Memory Care Coordinator plan and supervise group functions such as crafts, parties, programs (exercise, speakers, entertainers), outside visits, shopping trips, etc.; along with the assistance of employees and volunteers from the community.
Participation is optional; however, we believe participation will enhance your sense of purpose and self-worth. We encourage all of our Residents to join as many social activities as possible.
Leisure areas are located throughout the community. Please feel free to use these areas at your convenience for playing cards, puzzles, socializing, etc.
The Community permits alcoholic beverages unless your physician writes a written order against consuming alcohol. The facility reserves the right to withdraw consent for the use of alcoholic beverages in the event of abuse or at any other time. More than two warnings for excessive alcohol use will be considered abuse. Abuse of alcohol is disruptive to the community and can create health and safety issues.
You will need to provide all apartment furnishings including:
- Bed linen, which shall include at least two sheets, a pillow, a pillowcase, a bedspread, and one blanket.
- Mattresses of incontinent residents must be protected with an intact waterproof material unless contraindicated or otherwise ordered by a physician.
- Zippered mattress covers
- Bath linen includes at least two full towels, two face towels, and two washcloths.
- A shower curtain is provided. You may supply a decorative curtain.
- Basic toiletry items and paper products.
- Dirty and clean laundry bag or basket.
If you need assistance with the scheduling of appointments please contact the Executive Director. Employees are available to escort you to appointments.
Upon move-in, our Executive Director, in conjunction with the other members of the team, will review and evaluate your medical, physical, spiritual, intellectual, leisure, and emotional needs. These assessments will be completed periodically throughout your stay. Any change in your condition will be used as a tool to help us guide interventions to benefit your well-being. The goal is to encourage independence within the community environment.
Beautician and Barber services are available in our beauty salon. A price list for service is available at the beauty salon. Payment to the beautician is required by the Resident at the time of services.
In an environment based on mutual respect, we anticipate your appropriate behavior toward other Residents and employees at all times. There will be no physical or verbal abuse tolerated. If, for any reason, that does occur, immediate steps will be taken to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the other Residents and our employees.
A. Informed Consent
Before you receive any treatment your doctor is required by law to secure informed consent from you, or if you are incapable of giving informed consent, your legal representative. Your physician should tell you:
- The treatment procedure involved.
- Medically acceptable alternatives.
- Any substantial risks and benefits of the treatment procedure.
Your physician should give you enough information for you to make a knowing decision without coercion or undue influence
B. Advanced Directives
Florida law recognizes Advance Directives as a means for an individual to make his/her own choices about medical care and treatment while that person is mentally and physically able to do so. Advance Directives cover care treatment that will be needed at a time when the person no longer has the capacity to make these decisions. Having an Advance Directive is not a condition of admission or continued stay in our facility. We do recommend that you consider an advance directive so that you can ensure your wishes are carried out. Advance Directives may be written or oral. However, a written Advance Directive is better as there is less concern that it will be misinterpreted. Written Advance Directives should be signed by the individual and two (2) witnesses, one who is not a blood relative or spouse. Detailed information is available upon request.
The opportunity to wear clothing that is personal, comfortable, and familiar is important to one’s identity. We encourage you to dress appropriately and to be active in as many programs as possible. Washable personal clothing, preferably no iron, is suggested.
When deciding on clothing, please consider the available space for storage.
All residents, family members, and visitors should act and behave in a manner that is both respectful of and courteous towards, the other residents living in our Community, as well as towards the staff members who provide care and services to such residents on a daily basis. Specifically, you, your family members, and your visitors are required to abide by the following:
- Follow the rules and regulations of the Community.
- To the best of your knowledge, provide accurate and complete information about the present and past illnesses and hospitalizations, medications, and other matters pertaining to your health.
- Report unexpected changes in your condition to the caregiver or Nurse.
- Subject to your right to refuse treatment and to give informed consent, follow the treatment plan recommended by the physician primarily responsible for your care, and follow facility procedures affecting resident care and conduct. This includes following instructions of nurses and other health care professionals as they enforce the applicable facility policies. Residents are responsible for injury to themselves if they refuse treatment, or do not follow the physician’s instructions.
- Make us aware of any changes in the Legal Representative’s address or telephone number, or your financial status. These changes should be reported immediately to the Business Office Manager
- Promptly report any unclean or unsafe conditions to staff.
- Fulfill the financial obligations for your care promptly as agreed to in your Residency Agreement.
- Do not keep firearms or weapons in your apartment.
- Treat any furniture or equipment owned by the community in a safe manner.
- Cooperate and comply with the Community smoking policy. Smoking is only allowed outside designated areas.
- Comply with Community alcohol usage policy.
- Do not use, sell or have any involvement with illegal substances.
- Comply with all safety practices of the Community and not do anything to jeopardize the safety of other residents, staff, or visitors.
- Follow instructions and safety practices according to the Community policy for self-administration of drugs, if you are assessed as being capable of exercising this right.
- Respect the individual religious practices and opinions of other residents.
- Be responsible for any damage to the Community caused by you or your guests.
- Behave in a courteous and respectful way toward other residents, visitors, volunteers, and staff.
- Be tolerant of other residents’ handicaps and disabilities.
- Respect the feelings and opinions of others.
- Respect the privacy and personal belongings of other residents.
- Avoid disturbing other residents with excessive noise, especially at night.
- Respect the rights of other residents by not interfering with their living space.
- Cooperate with the staff in the care they provide for you.
- Dress in a dignified, tasteful manner that is not offensive to others, unless you are physically limited.
- Keep track of your personal belongings brought to the Community. The Community is not responsible for the loss of any personal property owned by you (including, but not limited to, hearing aids, eyeglasses, and dentures), relatives, visitors, or friends.
All of us in the community want to build a base of trust with you. To this end, our mutual success is dependent on good communication. We encourage you, your family members, friends, and any responsible representatives to register concerns or request clarification on any questions you or they may have.
It is the responsibility of the Resident to report to the Executive Director any changes in needs including changes in medical condition, medications, and Advanced Directive status.
The Community Council of Residents, meets regularly, reviews concerns, and makes suggestions to management. You and your family members are encouraged to participate. Please contact the Executive Director about times and location.
Daily private companions are permitted, however, the use of such individuals must be discussed in advance with, and approved by the Executive Director. Companions may be required to have background checks.
Your records are kept confidential as stated in the “Residency Agreement”. Your records are limited to use by employees on a “need to know basis”. Should you be transferred, pertinent information will be forwarded to the health care community in order to assure continuity of care. You will be asked to sign a release of information form for the community, so you can authorize the release of information to places of your choosing. You may review your record at any time.
Transportation to your dentist’s office can be arranged by contacting the Executive Director.
All meals are prepared by our Dining Services Employees under the guidance of our Executive Director. Our menus have been reviewed and approved by a Registered Dietitian. We can comply with most basic modified diets. Please consult with the Executive Director’s specific needs. We encourage the least possible restrictive diet. Food preferences are always considered.
We encourage you to dine in the dining room. Mealtimes are as follows:
Resident meals are served in The Calusa Restaurant at the following times:
Breakfast 8am – 9am
Lunch 12pm – 1pm
Dinner 5pm-6pm
Snacks are also available. If you are not planning to dine out on a particular day, you should notify the Executive Director as soon as possible.
Visitors may dine as your guest in the dining room, for a modest charge. It is requested however, that reservations be made at least two (2) hours in advance.
A DVD player is available with the community television. Movie favorites will be shown regularly for Resident viewing. You may also bring a VCR or DVD player with your own television for use in your room.
All Residents are provided equal services. We have adopted a “no tipping” policy at the community. Providing tips or gifts could create a detrimental situation for the morale of the Residents and employees. Our employees are instructed not to accept tips or gifts from Residents or families.
Sometimes, people may wish to provide a nominal, discreet departmental gift at Christmas or other appropriate times as an expression of appreciation for goodwill for services. Such gifts are not encouraged but may be accepted if used to the benefit of the entire department.
We request, when possible, that financial paperwork be completed prior to moving in. A Nonrefundable Community Fee is required as stated in the residency agreement, depending on the apartment you choose to lease. This Community Fee will hold the select apartment you have chosen. Upon move-in to the community, rent payment must be made for the month. Monthly payments are due on the first of the month for the coming month.
At the time of move-in, you will be given a copy of the “Residency Agreement”. The Executive Director, the Resident, and or the responsible party are subject to the conditions as specified in the “Residency Agreement” and supplemental documents signed during the move-in process. Please do not hesitate to ask for clarification on any item you do not understand.
Billing statements are sent out 25th of each month. Payment is preferred on the first of the month. If payment is not received arrangements need to be made with the Executive Director. Timely payment is encouraged. Any Charges not paid by You by the 10th of the month will have a $150.00 late fee added to your account. The billing statement contains charges for monthly apartment usage. Room and Board services are billed for the month in advance.
Food items in the apartment kitchenettes are expected. Proper storage to prevent spoilage is encouraged. Before you receive any food items, please consider the possibility of spoilage and ensure that a sealed, labeled, and the dated container is available.
Kitchenettes will be expected to be maintained neatly with food items sealed to prevent spoilage or smells. Staff may assist with deep cleaning weekly in your apartment area. Please keep spills on countertops, refrigerators, and microwaves cleaned if you are able to do so.
It is the responsibility of the Resident to provide furnishings for rooms. Rooms are spacious to allow for plenty of room for personal home furnishing to be used. Minimal furnishings for short-term stays can be rented if available and advance notice is given.
The following list includes state and local government agencies, and resident advocacy organizations.
State & Local Department of Health Offices
Agency for Health Care Administration
Toll-free: 1-888-419-3456 (Monday through Friday, 8 am – 6 pm)
Web site: http://ahca.myflorida.com/Contact/call_center.shtml Fax: 850-488-6094
Florida Abuse Hotline (Department of Children and Families)
Toll-free: 1-800-96-ABUSE (800-962-2873)
Fax: 1-800-914-0004
Web site: https://www.myflfamilies.com/service-programs/abuse-hotline/
Bureau of Medical Program Integrity
Toll-free: 1-888-419-3456
Web site: https://ahca.myflorida.com/mchq/mpi/
Advocacy Center for Person with Disabilities
Toll-free: 1-800-342-0823
Florida Statewide Advocacy Council
Toll-free: 1-800-342-0825
State & Local Medicaid Offices
Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (Attorney General)
Toll-free: 1-866-966-7226
Web site: http://myfloridalegal.com
Fax: 850-410-1630
State & Local Department of Aging Offices
Elder Helpline (Department of Elder Affairs)
Toll-free: 1-800-963-5337
Web site: https://elderaffairs.org/
State & Local Ombudsmen Offices
Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
4040 Esplanade Way
Tallahassee, FL 32399-7000
Phone: 1-888-831-0404 (toll-free) or 1-850-414-2323
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 1-850-414-2377
Please discuss all concerns with the Executive Director. This will enable us to properly respond timely and/or assist you. If you feel your concerns are not being resolved to your satisfaction, you may contact the Agency for HealthCare Administrators. These phone numbers are posted in the community for your convenience. All grievances will be kept confidential. The community will practice timely response to grievances as according to community written policy.
We promote accessibility and the removal of barriers for residents in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Residents may request a reasonable accommodation in our community programs or policies or a reasonable modification to the physical structure of the property. A request for reasonable accommodation will be granted unless the request would place an undue burden on the organization, amount to a fundamental alteration of a program, or pose a threat to others. If our community is unable to accommodate a resident’s request, the resident is referred to organizations that may be able to accommodate the resident’s needs.
Motorized scooters are allowed to be used in the community if the resident has been evaluated by Physical Therapy and deemed safe to operate the scooter appropriately. Motorized scooters are to be kept in resident rooms and charged in resident’s room while not in use. Motorized scooters are not permitted in the dining rooms.
Special holiday meals will be served at the noon meal on major holidays and a light meal served in the evening. Reservations for holiday meals are required 72 hours in advance. Guest fees for holiday meals will be posted.
From time to time Residents need home care services that the community employees may not administer. We believe that you should be afforded the opportunity to receive care in the comfort of your home whenever possible. Should you feel that you need home care services there are local providers that provide these services. The selection of these care providers is at the Resident’s discretion.
Some Residents prefer to make their own beds and straighten their own rooms and personal items. While there is no obligation for you to do this, we encourage such activities. This provides some exercise but more importantly may be helpful in fostering independence and a feeling of self-worth. If you desire or need assistance, our employees will be responsible for making beds and keeping Residents’ rooms clean. A daily trash pick-up schedule of each room is given with a weekly deep cleaning and linen change routine.
Rooms requiring more frequent cleaning visits will be coordinated by the Executive Director
There are some insurance companies that offer benefits for assisted living services. You should discuss this payment option with your insurance agent and the Executive Director, who will provide the required documentation for you to bill your insurance company.
In all cases, you are ultimately responsible for charges should any insurance company determine your claim ineligible. A photocopy of your Medicare card, Social Security card, and Health Insurance card, if applicable, will be made for community files upon occupancy.
Resident laundry services will be provided for individual Residents may do their own laundry if they have delicate items they do not want the staff to wash. Otherwise, staff will be assigned scheduled days to assist you with your laundry needs. Laundry done for the Resident will be done individually for each Resident. If family members prefer doing your personal laundry please notify the Executive Director. Due to the many fabric blends, we cannot guarantee garments are free of damage from the laundry process.
Dry cleaning services may be arranged and handled by our employees with local cleaning companies. You will be responsible for the cost of this service.
From time to time you may leave your apartment on outside outings during the day or overnight stays. Please notify the Executive Director regarding your leave of absence. A sign-in and out book is available for your convenience. Please register on your individual sign-out sheet near the office. The full daily rate will be charged for any days or nights spent outside of the community.
You will receive delivered mail daily immediately upon arrival of the mail to the community. Assistance will be provided to read or send mail if such help is needed. Mail should be addressed to the community address with your name and room number to be delivered to your individual mailbox. Outgoing mail may be placed in the Community Mail Box
Any requests for maintenance should be directed to the community staff, who will notify the Executive Director or other appropriate employee. Emergencies will be given top priority. Other needs will be addressed within 48 hours during weekdays.
Before admission, the Executive Director and Director of Health and Wellness will evaluate your needs related to medication assistance. Upon admission, you and your physician will determine whether you or our community staff will be assisting you with your medication. All medications, as well as any item used for medical treatment that is supervised and administered by Community’s staff, must have a physician’s order. It is important that our nursing staff knows what medications you are taking if you are administering your own medications. This will assist us in supplying information to your doctor or emergency personnel if you become ill. Therefore, the nursing staff needs to be informed of any prescription and non-prescription items that you are taking. The names and doses of prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements should be given to our nursing staff for inclusion in your records.
If arranged, the staff will periodically review your abilities to continue self-medication. All Residents will either be allowed to self-administer medications in their room as long as safely stored or, preferably, medications will be stored for you in the medication room and assistance will be given to guide you with taking your medicine as scheduled. We encourage all medications to be clearly marked and in an easy administration system.
There is no distinction in eligibility for moving into the community. All Residents are treated the same without regard to race, color, national origin age, sex, or religious creed. This nondiscrimination policy also applies to our community employees, physicians, and other network agencies.
Your accommodations are selected commensurate with their needs as determined by the Residents, their physician, and family desires, whenever possible, and our well-trained employees. An initial needs assessment will provide guidance during this process.
The Community reserves the right to arrange for your move out when your condition, in our judgment, requires service which we cannot provide, or when your conduct is detrimental to other Residents. A written notice will be provided to you and/or your responsible party in accordance with the “Residency Agreement”. A forty five day written notice will be provided to you. The Executive Director will be glad to assist you with further placement as the need arises.
You may be transferred to a hospital when considered medically necessary by your physician. The individual listed as an emergency contact will be notified of such a transfer as soon as possible.
If you plan to move out of the Community, please follow the Residency agreement move-out guidelines for Community notification. Before leaving the community, you or your responsible party must go to the business office to resolve any unpaid account. There is always the possibility of a delayed bill for last-minute charges. Such delayed statements will be mailed at the regular monthly cycle following your move-out. If you are due a refund, the business office will complete this transaction as per the Residency agreement refund policy.
A newsletter is distributed regularly to you and your family (if requested) containing a schedule of events at the community, recognition of Residents and employees, Community Council meetings and reports, etc. If you wish to contribute an article, contact the Activity Director.
You or a responsible party may make arrangements for the delivery of local newspapers to the community. If you wish, the Executive Director may also assist you. You or your responsible party will be responsible for the payment for newspaper and/or magazine subscriptions/deliveries.
The services that you have purchased pursuant to your Residency Agreement are not one-on-one, seven days per week, twenty-four hours per day services. If you need one on one, 24-hour nursing services, you may contract for such services separately. We will be happy to assist you in obtaining these services.
Our business office is open to serve you Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Executive Director is always available 24 hours a day in case of emergency. The employees will be able to assist you if this need would arise. The staff at the community will gladly assist you with any office assistance that you may need.
Staff will be available 24 hours a day to answer your emergency and routine needs.
Visitor parking may be found at the front of the building. Handicap parking can be found in the front of the building. Vehicles parked in handicap spaces without a Florida-issued handicap permit or license plate will be subject to ticketing by the police department. Parking vehicles at the entrance is not permitted as this area must be accessible for ambulances and other emergency vehicles.
Residents may keep no more than one (1) automobile on the campus. You must abide by all rules established by the Community for keeping automobiles on the campus as may be modified from time to time at the Community’s sole discretion. Trucks, recreational vehicles (“RVs”), trailers, boats, and oversized automobiles may not be parked in driveways.
All non-registered or unlicensed vehicles, or vehicles parked inappropriately, are subject to towage at the owner’s expense. The Community reserves the right to deny a resident the privilege of keeping an automobile, truck, or oversized automobile on its campus at any time and for any reason whatsoever.
Apartments are to be furnished by the Resident. We encourage apartments to be arranged in a home-like atmosphere thus we encourage bringing pictures, plants, and small personal items for your apartment. Our employees will be glad to assist you during your move-in period.
A facility, upon mutual consent with the resident, shall provide for the safekeeping in the facility of personal effects not in excess of $500 and funds of the resident not in excess of $500 cash, and shall keep complete and accurate records of all such funds and personal effects received.
We request that valuables not be left in your room. The community will provide temporary storage of jewelry and other valuables until your responsible party can arrange to remove this property from the community. The Community will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any personal property.
To maintain optimum health, you are encouraged to bathe at least 2 times weekly, and more often when necessary or if desired. Employees will assist you as needed. We request that you maintain good personal hygiene and wear clean clothing.
We recognize that pets may be an important part in the life of a Resident, and separation may have negative reactions. Certain pet relationships may be permitted to continue in the community. However, the community does not permit dogs, wild or exotic animals, ferrets, turtles, or cats less than four months of age. Residents must always be capable of caring for their pets. In the event a pet dies, we request that it not be replaced. Pet requests must be reviewed and approved by the Executive Director. Specific rules and requirements have been established and will be reviewed prior to admission if you have an interest in keeping a pet in your apartment. A non-refundable pet deposit is required.
The pet must be in good health and currently have all shots and immunizations that may be required by law or at the sole discretion of the Facility. The animal must receive an annual examination from a licensed veterinarian and must be free of pests. The Community requires a copy of the veterinarian examination and immunization record to be kept as a part of your Business Office file. An annual reminder will be given to you in regards to your pet’s yearly physical. A copy will be maintained in the Business Office.
As a Resident, you have the right to choose your own pharmacist. The Community encourages the use of pharmacies that packages medication in a manner that creates safety and convenience of administration by the staff. Your pharmacy will bill you directly for medicines.
The relationship of Resident to the physician is important. This community does not employ medical doctors for the purpose of providing attending physician services for our residents. Thus, you may choose an attending physician of your choice so long as such physician is licensed in the State of Florida and is willing to comply with the policies and procedures applicable to your stay in our community. A pre-admission physical is required during your stay with an update every 3 years or change of condition. The staff will be glad to assist you with dialing the phone if needed so you can communicate your needs with your physician. If you need assistance with local transportation to your physician’s office please notify the Executive Director.
The Community honors and respects all HIPPA Standards. Detailed information available upon request.
These services are directed toward assisting you to achieve and maintain your highest level of self-care, independent functioning, and ambulation. You can arrange if needed through a contracted provider a full complement of services to meet your needs. Charges are the responsibility of the Resident and are not part of the community fee and are provided by local vendors in your community. Treatments ordered by your physician may include physical, occupational and speech therapy, laboratory x-ray, podiatry, and dental care. These services for home health programs are at the discretion of the Resident and family.
The religious practices of all Residents are respected. You are encouraged to participate in the religious services of your choice or attend services offered in the community. Local clergy is encouraged to visit those of their congregation or religious denomination.
Resident Rights are specifically stated through State law. You and/or a responsible party will be given a copy and explanation of these rights prior to move-in and will be asked to sign an acknowledgment. These will be posted for easy reference.
Your room is equipped with an emergency system to call for assistance. Call buttons are available in bedrooms and bathroom settings.
Community fire and disaster drills are held on a regular basis. Our employees, Residents, and visitors are asked to take part in the drills and to be familiar with the safety procedures and location of exits.
Schematics are posted at various locations throughout the building and in your apartment showing your location and the nearest exits.
Our fire alarm system includes fire extinguishers strategically located throughout the community; a sprinkler system and smoke detectors are located in all common areas and Resident rooms. The Community is a steel constructed building to ensure your safety
A security alarm system is installed on all corridor exterior exit doors to ensure your safety.
Personal grooming items such as electric hair dryers, curling irons, shavers, and toothbrushes are permitted in your rooms. Electric coffee pots, toasters, hot plates, electric blankets, heating pads, and extension cords are not recommended.
Executive Director. Extension cords are not allowed. We suggest Surge Protectors U.L rated only be used for extension purposes. Pigtail or multiple items plugged into one socket will not be authorized.
Only U.L trash cans may be used in apartments. Woven baskets and plastic trash receptacles are not authorized items throughout the community.
Our doors will be locked between the hours of 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. Please use the doorbell to gain access during those times. Exterior keys can be available through the Executive Director.
The Community will be a smoke-free building. Smoking is permitted only in designated smoking areas outside of the building. This applies to all Residents, families, visitors and employees. Smoking is not authorized in apartment units.
We recognize that social and family gatherings are important to you, and we encourage them. If you wish to utilize the private dining room and/or wish a catered party, please contact the Executive Director. We will be glad to help arrange the event for you.
Specific questions about Social Security benefits should be directed to your local Social Security Administration office. The Executive Director may be able to assist with questions also.
If you require a wheelchair, walker, or other assistive devices you may either purchase your own equipment or we will assist you in making arrangements to rent equipment. You will be given an assessment of your operational skills for your special motorized equipment if applicable.
Personally owned wheelchairs or walkers must be marked with your name prior to moving in, be in good repair, and be maintained as needed by your family or responsible party.
Telephone access is available in your apartment. You will be provided a telephone and service for private communication
Local scheduled transportation to appointments such as a physician, dentist, etc. may be arranged by contacting the Executive Director. These services will be provided on designated days. Please schedule your appointments on these days. Transportation on other days will be provided based on availability.
Group transportation for shopping and activity outings will be published in the Activity Calendar. No charge will be incurred for these expenses. Transportation that is not local is evaluated on a case-by-case basis for posted fees.
If you are ill and unable to dine in the Dining Room, you may request a tray. Please contact the Dietary Supervisor to make arrangements. Meal dining is strongly encouraged. Room tray services are restricted to sick days only.
Visitors are always welcome in the community. You will be involved in a great deal of personal activity in the mornings; therefore, we suggest that visitation begins after 10:00 a.m. Visitations after 10:00 a.m. and until 9:00 p.m. are very much encouraged. It is crucial for you to maintain your link with family and friends.
Children are also strongly encouraged to visit the community. If visitors are visiting at other hours, a courtesy acknowledgment to staff is appreciated.
Participation of volunteers from the community in meaningful activities and social relationships is encouraged. Anyone wishing to volunteer service should contact our Activities Director. Residents in the community are encouraged to volunteer and participate by sharing their own personal hobbies, interests, or skills in areas of interest throughout the community.
At election time, the community ensures that residents are provided the opportunity to vote should they so choose. Prior to Election Day, representatives of the County Board of Elections will come to our community to receive ballots and provide assistance to residents, as is necessary. For further information, please contact the Activity Director.